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About Us

Community Culture's formal definition is the shared set of beliefs, expectations, values and rituals that influence the ways in which individuals,groups and teams interact with one another and collaborate to achieve a common objective.

The common objective is outlined in our mission statement below.

At Community Culture Childcare our goal is to holistically educate underrepresented children of color with in the community.We achieve this by creating a learning environment that incorporates a variety of learning styles,  self- help skills and emotional compentency with an emphasis on communication.

By delivering education this way we will actively contribute to the end of the Preschool to prison pipeline epidemic that plagues these communities.

Nationally, black students are suspended at almost four times the rate of their white peers. Often for non-violent reasons like "non-compliance" or "disrespect." Situations that require a judgment call.

And in U.S. schools, where 82 percent of educators are white, that's important to acknowledge.


Upcoming Events:
Grand Opening- 9.5.2016

Fall Enrollent now availiable!!

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