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"Education is the most powerful weapon which   you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
Homework Program​

Community Culture Child care has a optional homework program for families who would like to take an active roll in thier childs education.We offer family friendly homework weekly.These are family homework assingments that inclued the use of technology, differnet learning styles and easy but educational assignments to complete. Some fun activitives include making fun family videos of you finding things in your community, brining in family photos or sharing things you like to do as a family.

​Fairytail Friday

Fairytail Fridays are a stategy we use to promote self help amoung families with in the program.This program is offerd to families who choose to participate in the homework program for half the price. This program gives the gaurdians of the families to have one night where they can focus on thier own personals needs.We at Community Childcare reliaze that the people who take care of others also need time to take care of themselves.

S.T.E.M/Play Based Curriculum

This curriculum was specifically designed to be able to introduce science,technology,engenering and math through exploration and play. ​Children will be introduced to these subjects and be provided with a life long love of learning. We encourage children to create and explore while being able to communicate effectively what they are doing.

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